No Sale this year.

I am not doing a seedling sale this year - but encourage you to check out my friend farmer Kate @Daisy Hill Farm in Acton. Stay tuned though because this season there will be some fun things happening around the garden. Stay in the know by sign up for the newsletter to hear the happenings around the food forest.

What will be for sale?


Tomatoes galore!

19 varieties of tomatoes - all sizes, colors, and shapes :)



German Johnson

Sun Gold

Costulato Genovese and more!

Kale and other Greens


Rainbow Tatsoi




and more!

Flowers,warm weather crops, funky stuff

Strawflower (pictured)

Ground Cherries





Peppers and so much more!


A few warnings and things to note:

We have a friendly but excited dog - he might come to greet you, and is known to jump a bit - he is 100% friendly but barks!

We have chickens - they might be wandering around, they will likely stay away from you - please do not try to pick them up.

We have kids that live here - drive safely, be friendly, they are my kids :)

I am here to answer questions you have about the seedlings for sale and how to bed care for them - I can’t give tours but promise to make time for that later.

This is for fun, this is how I offer my extra to the community, the cost is to cover the supplies for seed starting - I am not a professional nursery - I am a semi-professional gardener with a home garden. If something dies - i can’t replace it - that why it is less than what you spend at a nursery.

Lastly- no one can reserve a plant, please continue to shop at local farms and gardenters - I am offering some funky stuff to help fill in the gaps!